Fri., Aug. 30th 2013 from 10:53 p.m. to 10:56 p.m. Barking is noise pollution.Peace and quiet what a concept, please control your barking dog.Yes you can, keep your dog quiet.Barking is sonic sewage.Responsible owners keep their dogs quiet.One barking dog can ruin an entire neighborhood.In the wee hours of the morning. I don't need to hear your barking dog.Barking: Ruining our Quality of life one neighborhood at a time.I have better things to do than listen to your dog's barking.Your dog's barking isn't cute it's annoying.Barking dogs don't reduce crime people do. つづきはこちら PR
Sun., Aug. 25th 2013 5:13 a.m. Barking is noise pollution.Peace and quiet what a concept, please control your barking dog.Yes you can, keep your dog quiet.Barking is sonic sewage.Responsible owners keep their dogs quiet.One barking dog can ruin an entire neighborhood.In the wee hours of the morning. I don't need to hear your barking dog.Barking: Ruining our Quality of life one neighborhood at a time.I have better things to do than listen to your dog's barking.Your dog's barking isn't cute it's annoying.Barking dogs don't reduce crime people do. つづきはこちら
Thu., Aug. 22nd 2013 From 5:51 a.m. to 5:52 a.m. Barking is noise pollution.Peace and quiet what a concept, please control your barking dog.Yes you can, keep your dog quiet.Barking is sonic sewage.Responsible owners keep their dogs quiet.One barking dog can ruin an entire neighborhood.In the wee hours of the morning. I don't need to hear your barking dog.Barking: Ruining our Quality of life one neighborhood at a time.I have better things to do than listen to your dog's barking.Your dog's barking isn't cute it's annoying.Barking dogs don't reduce crime people do. つづきはこちら
Wed., Aug. 21st 2013 8:30 p.m. Barking is noise pollution.Peace and quiet what a concept, please control your barking dog.Yes you can, keep your dog quiet.Barking is sonic sewage.Responsible owners keep their dogs quiet.One barking dog can ruin an entire neighborhood.In the wee hours of the morning. I don't need to hear your barking dog.Barking: Ruining our Quality of life one neighborhood at a time.I have better things to do than listen to your dog's barking.Your dog's barking isn't cute it's annoying.Barking dogs don't reduce crime people do. つづきはこちら
Fri., Aug. 18th 2013 5:22 a.m. Barking is noise pollution.Peace and quiet what a concept, please control your barking dog.Yes you can, keep your dog quiet.Barking is sonic sewage.Responsible owners keep their dogs quiet.One barking dog can ruin an entire neighborhood.In the wee hours of the morning. I don't need to hear your barking dog.Barking: Ruining our Quality of life one neighborhood at a time.I have better things to do than listen to your dog's barking.Your dog's barking isn't cute it's annoying.Barking dogs don't reduce crime people do.--------------------------------LIVING WITH DOGS - 記事-迷惑な犬の鳴き声犬の鳴き声について環境省の調査②|ご近所トラブル~犬騒音から嫌がらせへ~騒音犬の吠え声犬の鳴き声 つづきはこちら